Doctor Dental Care

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What Does Soda Do to Your Teeth?
Drinking high-sugar soft drinks can create a lot of Problems for you like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain. Excess use of sodas can also have ill effects on your smile, potentially leading to cavities and tooth decay. According to recent research, men are more likely to drink soda and sugary drinks. Teenage boys drink the most and get about 273 calories from them per day. That number falls only slightly to 252 calories in their 20s and 30s.
After drinking soda, sugary particles interact with bacteria in your mouth to form acid and the acid rapidly attacks your teeth. Both regular and sugar-free sodas also contain their acids, and these attack the teeth too. If you continue using soda like if you sip all the day your teeth would be under constant acid attack. With each swig of soda, you are getting a negative effect on your teeth.
How to Prevent Damage – The first and most and obvious solution is to stop drinking soda. There are a few things that you can do to lessen the risk of damaging your teeth.
Don’t use more than one drink throughout the day and drink quickly the faster you drink, the less time the sugars and acids have to damage your teeth. (Just don’t use this as an excuse to drink twice as many soft drinks!). Use a draw while drinking and raise your mouth with water afterward.
Flushing your mouth with some water after drinking soda will help wash away any remaining sugars and acids, and stop them from attacking your teeth. Brush immediately and avoid soft drinks before bedtime. Not only will the sugar likely keep you up, but the sugar and acid will have all night to attack your teeth. Ask your dentist about the best way to get rid of the side effects and cavities of your teeth.